About Me

Wiki Article

I'm known as Hortensia thanks to the friends I made via internet gaming. Some of these gaming nights would turn into movie marathons, while others would include roleplaying sessions. He started calling me "NAME" for my liking in horror films. I think Star Wars was their closest to seeing a horror movie. People started calling me Rosalyn because I was known as Marilyn. Instead of using my actual name online, people started calling me that. I love Reviews all movies, even though I am a fan of raunchy films. I like the nerdier things in life because I love the 1980s. I also enjoy 1980s music, horror movies and general movies. It's not hard to believe that I have a fondness for vintage electronics. These are just two of the many topics that I've discussed in my blog.

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Tomb of the Headless Werewolf
Horror films have horns and whistles
Graveyard Classics
Cannibal Cafe
Using the power of cult movies to change things
Healthy Movie

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